
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hepburn Wind Offer

As most HRN members will be aware, the minimum investment in Hepburn Wind for locals is now only $100. In addition they are now offering a special deal to HRN members. For each new HRN member who joins Hepburn Wind in September, Hepburn Wind will donate $25 to us. If you have been planning to buy Hepburn Wind shares for yourself, your partner, children or grandchildren, do it now and be an HRN supporter at the same time.

To qualify for this offer, download the application form from by either going to the members page or filling out the "register your interest" form. You can invest any amount from $100 upwards. Make sure you tick the box "A member of HRN".

For further information ring Jack Gilding on (03)5348 6760 or email

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