
Monday, August 21, 2017

Natural cheesemaking workshop

For the last few months we have been planning to run a cheesemaking workshop. Finally the weather has improved and the local cows are happily producing again.

Pls join us for this very exciting learning and tasting opportunity. We have three very talented cheesemakers joining us to share a little of their knowledge: Kirsten Bradley, Nikki Marshall + Rosie Laszlo.

A note about the $5 entry free:
As you know, HRN is a volunteer run, non-membership, non-meeting, not for monetary profit, everybody welcome community group. We are lucky enough to be auspised by the kind folk at SHARE, which means we are able to run events and have our insurance taken care of. But this insurance costs money.

So to ensure we are able to continue to run our events for free or gold coin donation, we are charging a $5 fee for this event to cover our half of the yearly insurance fee. Thank you for your understanding.

See you next month! No need to book, just rock along.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Slide Night Dinner + Working Bee

We are so looking forward to this community dinner + slide show event! Some of you may have seen Brenna around these last few months. She is currently living and volunteering at Melliodora, studying permaculture, and working as an illustrator on David Holmgren's forthcoming book, RetroSuburbia.

As a 23-year-old, Brenna began to question the worth of her university degrees and the consumerist good-job-and-double-garage-and-2.4-children society that she felt pressured to commit to. So she bought a one-way ticket to India in the hopes of discovering a more meaningful life direction.

She spent the next six years hiking, hitching, riding, cycling, driving and canoeing her way towards a more sustainable life. She cycled 12,000 kilometres from Canada to the Panama Canal on a second-hand bike, and in the process learnt to appreciate the pleasures of voluntary simplicity. 

Over the next three years’ travel, she didn’t once pay for accommodation, preferring to rely on the kindness of others and on the non-monetary gift economy. As a volunteer, she realised the beauty and challenges of off-grid living, and the different reasons that drive people to live this way. She began to learn about permaculture, and that there were other people out there who thought the same way as she did. In Argentina, she fell in with a group of like-minded locos from all over Latin America, and they named themselves Rucache (‘the house of everyone’). Together they began growing their own food, building their own space, and facilitating permaculture events in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. This fascinating chapter of her travels will be explored during Brenna’s presentation for HRN. 

Brenna came home late last year, now aged 30, to be with her family and to further her permaculture journey. 

Entry is by gold coin donation. Please RSVP by Tuesday August 2.

We had another successful working bee out at Rod May's farm on Friday. A big thank you to Su Dennett for organising it, Ian Clarke for taking the pruning workshop, for everybody's enthusiasm and elbow grease, and for Kirsten Bradley for taking these photos:

Also, sorry fermies but Culture Club is having a break in August to make time for more literary pleasures over the Words in Winter weekend. We are already busy planning the September Culture Club which will be a natural cheesemaking workshop. Watch this space for more info!