If you haven't heard about this conference already, just a hop, step and a jump to Castlemaine, go to the website and check out the amazing range of speakers from our local area and over the ocean blue, make your choice and register now. This is an amazing and unique opportunity to both be informed by keynote speakers including Helena Norberg-Hodge, Manish Jain, Raphael Souchier, Camila Morena and Rob Hopkins as well as our own David Holmgren.
There will be workshops, panels, site visits, dinners, films and music to really nurture us towards a thriving local community.
Don't miss out! This is a really worthwhile conference supported by HRN.
Maureen and I will be presenting on Saturday at 4:15pm.
Spread the word whatever way you can, like the facebook page. Hope to see you there!
The cost is not great but if you're really stretched volunteering is an option
"If you have a skill or some spare time to offer, we will find a use for it. If you work for 3 hours you get a day pass to all sessions except Plenary Sessions (with the international guests). After that it’s negotiable." See the website, or ask Kaz, Volunteer co-ordinator
0439 550 904