
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bushfire Season 2015

Just as we are feeling safe and comfortable with the bushfire season over for another year, now is the time to be out and about, reducing bushfire risk. With winter just starting, we have the months ahead to prepare for what is shaping up to be a fearsome summer with a very severe risk of fire. Let this be a motivator and empowerer for us to prepare and be confident. Joan Webster can certainly continue to be our guide. Here is her bulletin Winter preparation for summer bushfire safety to remind us
Come and visit the gully below Melliodora to see the work I have been doing with the goats to reduce vegetation for fire protection and make it more inviting. It is looking lovely. Let us know if you would like to join the gully crew in a working bee to cut a track up Doctor's Gully between the fire trail below the swing bridge and the confluence of Spring Creek. Date tba

Remember, HRN has rake hoes, loppers and slash hooks that you can borrow to do work at home for yourselves or out and about on the public land.
Go visit the gully work that Peter Sagittarius and others have done at the bottom of third street. It is park like and much safer for summer. Could we manage to make more of the areas adjacent our homes safer?  Hand clearing is a great social activity, fun and gives a good work out; much safer than burn offs!  Let us, know. 


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