There are monthly working bees and shared lunch at the Hollow to continue to make the area both fire-safe and beautiful for our enjoyment on the fourth Sunday of the month 10 - 1pm. Come and join us if you have the time and enjoy working together for our mutual benefit and pleasure. This event is the perfect opportunity for the kids to enjoy learning new skills and being part of a community project: they really shine in this situation.
The second bushfire preparation workshop will be below Su & David's place in the gully towards Spring Ck in a slightly different environment so techniques will be a little different The time is 10am - 1pm again on Sunday, September 13th and costs $15/adult. Please book and we will give you more detail about what to bring and where to meet. Also, it would be good to have an idea of numbers to help with planning.
There will be five workshops in all in different locations.
And still on the theme of fire; put Friday, October 2nd at 7.30pm in your diaries for another Fire Forum at the Daylesford Town Hall. More details coming soon.
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