The first of a series of Fire Preparation Workshops in Hepburn Springs, hosted by HRN (Hepburn Relocalisation Network) is scheduled for Sunday 30th August. It will be a morning of hands-on work, instruction and discussion; a working demonstration of how to prepare for the imminent bushfire danger period.
David Holmgren will give practical instructions in the use of low-impact techniques for fuel reduction as alternatives to burning. His approach to prepare for the coming summer includes sustainable, long term solutions, improving amenity and environmental values. Residents are also encouraged to join in the Community Fireguard Program provided by the CFA to develop personal and street strategies for dealing with fire. Jay Gardiner will be at the Hollow between 12 and 1pm to talk to you and make bookings with those interested to have a street meeting.
The workshop will deal with assessing fire hazard and implementing two main fire preparation techniques:
- Creating contour swales to reduce flame height. Compacted and damp gorse, tree heads and ground litter is raked into rows to accelerate the decomposition of fuel during the wetter season and to build up soil.
- Improving the health of the forest by removing overcrowded and stunted trees, and so reducing the long-term risk of crown fire. Moving and stacking firewood from thinned trees for seasoning and later use. Marking further trees for future thinning.
David’s approach is explained in his Bushfire Discussion Paper (available on request). It aims to strengthen community links and is a zero-emission solution to fuel reduction. It is also an improvement strategy for soil and water values, is non-threatening to wildlife, and will produce firewood for the winter.
Where: ‘The Hollow’, a small area of crown land at the west end of Fifteenth St.
When: 30th August, 10 – 1pm, followed by discussion over lunch (please bring a lunch contribution to share)
For more information, or to book (costs $15), call 5348 3636 or email
Also, to enter in your diary now: HRN will host a Fire Forum on the 2nd October (7pm) at the Daylesford Town Hall with Joan Webster, David Holmgren and others.
Bushfire Preparation Workshop; what to bring:
- Slash hooks, Rake-hoes, rakes, loppers, axe or heavy splitter (as slash hooks are fairly rare)
- Sturdy clothes, and foot-ware are essential,
- Gloves, goggles
- Hard-hat for those doing the heavy work,
- Notepaper and pen, $15
- Personal drink
- Lunch contribution to share, personal crockery and cutlery